Need Help Accessing Your Course?
You might need to verify your ACES ID.
Go to the ACES login page and select “Get my ACES User Name” link in the "ACES Login Information" box.
- OR -
Your password needs to be reset.
Contact the Alamo Colleges District IT Help Desk at (210) 485-0555 [Option 1] to reset your ACES password.
The wrong semester or term may be selected.
Be sure you have selected the current term.
- OR -
If you just registered, the course may not be appearing in ACES yet.
Contact NLC’s IT Help Desk at (210) 486-5777, or after 5 p.m., the Alamo Colleges District IT Help Desk at (210) 485-0555, Option 4.
- OR -
You are either not registered for the class or may have been dropped.
Contact Student Services, located on the NLC campus in the Student Commons (STCM-101). They can also be reached at (210) 486-5401, Option 4, or e-mailed at
Your online course needs to be synced.
Contact NLC’s IT Help Desk at (210) 486-5777, or after 5 p.m., the Alamo Colleges District IT Help Desk at (210) 485-0555, Option 4.
If you are new to online learning and/or have not taken the Orientation to Online Learning mini-course …
You should be able to register for the Orientation to Online Learning (OLRN-0001) mini-course within the time frame of the semester. However, if you need any assistance with registration, please contact Academic Advising at For more information, visit the Academic Advising page.
You can complete this mini-course online. However, if you need any assistance with completing it, please contact NLC's Instructional Innovation Center/Distance Learning at (210) 486-5372 or
- OR -
If you are familiar with online courses in Canvas …
Contact your instructor and let him or her know you need clarification on how to proceed.
The instructor has not provided access instructions.
Ask your instructor at the following class meeting for instructions, or contact him or her ahead of time and let them know.
f you can log in to Canvas, but not the publisher's site, first make sure you have the access code that is typically bundled with the publisher's textbook.
If you need assistance with the code, send the instructor an email or call and let him or her know you need assistance.
If you need assistance navigating this site, send the instructor an email or call and let him or her know you need assistance.
For technical support or help with Pearson's MyLabs, contact the publisher:
Instructors can call 888-433-8435, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. EDT.
Students can call 800-677-6337, Monday – Friday, Noon - 8 p.m. EDT.
Pearson 24/7 Technical Support chat, email and a knowledge base are available at
If you are experiencing a technical issue related to BioSig-ID or have forgotten your password, please call the Alamo Colleges District IT Help Desk at (210) 485-0555 [Option 4].
Do NOT contact Canvas Support as they cannot resolve BioSig-ID problems.
If you are still experiencing a technical issue with ACES or logging in to your course, contact NLC’s IT Help Desk at (210) 486-5777, or after 5 p.m., the Alamo Colleges District IT Help Desk at (210) 485-0555, Option 4.
Technical problems in Canvas may be referred to Canvas Technical Support at (210) 485-0555, Option 2.